A Visit to Ruth Summer 2019

Inside the kitchen of Ruth’s house she shares with her partner Martyn high upon a Welsh hill, summer 2019. Tragically Ruth died of cancer 24th August 2020

Forever my lovely niece

So generous and kind

The perpetual smile

With poetry at her side

She walked romantically

Towards beauty and truth

A harvester of fine words

Gathered together so gaily

Expertly enfolded in love

As in Lord Byron’s night

Best of dark and bright

Posting profound pictures

For purveyors of meaning

And to all seekers of soul

Her legacy illumined in light

The reason why

In a place where sea is sky
Billions of sunsets stupefy
All who see one day to die
Minus the words to clarify
Too many stars to multiply
Creating Earth we occupy
In search of roles to satisfy
Or truth that doesn’t terrify
On mortal paths to dignify
One gift from life to unify
Embracing love can verify
Within our souls intensify