I am the Eggman

 If not in primeval soup whereby life beget

Then begs a puzzle no one’s solved as yet;

Did the chicken come first or was it an egg?

Did yolk claim the honours or was it a leg?

Did both egg and chicken first creation plan?

Or an Almighty scramble inside the pan?

To John Keats

What I see in your poetry is a fiercely pure and deep perception

Of how all life and existence is connected to an original energy;

A magical mix of wonderful words and classical interpretation

But essentially the charge of youth reacting to those demonic days

When succulence of desire need never be sophisticated or explained,

Nor the values of existence measured in the acquisition of blank gazes.

For all mortals you created pictures brilliantly from the garden of gods

Whereupon in plotting to scoop richness from the entirety of earth

There came a loveliness to see but not hold and in touching came torment

As you suffered pain given to those who reach for stuff gods gorge upon

And out of agony came an immortality borne beyond beauty and the truth

To Love Belong

When friends are few

And the night is long

In the fast embrace

To love belong.

When words are weak

And the truth has gone

In the heart alone

To love belong.

When days are dark

And a torch not shone

In the soul remains

To love belong.